Friday, October 11, 2013

fresh mulch show, october 10, 2013

last night was the last (maybe) fresh mulch recording blowout show at capone's. there were 5 acts in all: joey t, a.o. donovan, joybang, continental waylay, and deathly the dog. the lineup was originally a little different but the boys had to wait as it was a night when the abc was heavily pub crawling and silas couldn't be inside the bar (age things) so he was sitting outside most of the night waiting to go on. they finally got on stage about 2:20 am. but it was worth it, they were tired but totally kicked it!!
joey t

this was my first time seeing joey play and i really enjoyed his powerful voice, i look forward to hearing him again soon. the boys went to get some food while donovan was on so we went down the street to talk with them and hang out before going back to watch joybang...who are always a real treat to see.

the boys were set to go on after them but the police were still going in and out and generally just hanging about too much so the continental waylay went on, i hadn't seen them before either and i enjoyed their vocals and guitar playing. but i was so tired and hungry at this point i thought i might just go find a corner and fall asleep and was having a hard time focusing on the music. but i didn't fall asleep or die or anything and soon enough the boys were given a thumbs up to come in and play. and they played!!
deathly the dog

it was so great to hear them on such a fantastic sound system and i really hope joey was able to get some decent recordings...because even though they were tired and a lot of people had unfortunately left after the police/abc came, it was one of their most energetic and well played shows. they got a lot of really positive feedback from many people and i think they felt pretty good about it even with the minor setbacks.

i went home filled with pride and their song "spider bites" stuck in my head.Share

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