Saturday, January 11, 2014

continuing to make slow & steady progress…

as i’ve been learning this new art form, i have spent a lot of time thinking…it really is so meditative. i’ve thought about the cliche that weaving is a metaphor for life…and it’s true but more specifically i find it to be a metaphor for parenting (you could insert pretty much any rewarding, difficult and time consuming thing here)…
you put a lot of time into something that you may not see the results of immediately…it could even take years. when you make mistakes, and you will, sometimes you see them right away and dive in to fix them. some you don’t even realize you made until much later when the effort to fix them can be overwhelming and much harder than if you’d realized it sooner. there are small joys only you may notice, but they matter. there is such a huge commitment of time and energy…every little tiny bit is important and so worth it. every small section a part of a larger effort. when you’re new at it you realize it’s a little harder than you expected, but because you love it so much you don’t mind the hard parts and find that those are the times when you learn the most.